Monday, October 14, 2013

BUBBLES! SNAPPER! Then and now

If you read my bio you know I come from a small town in the midwest, and I do mean small. There are about 1200 people. Now growing up in a small town has its pros and cons. Pros are that you know just about everyone in town. Cons are that you know just about everyone in town. But do you really know everyone.
 Ok my name is Linda but when I was in highschool my nickname was Bubbles. Why you might ask would I have that as a nickname. Well nothing real funny or discusting, I chewed bubble gum (and I mean alot) when I played in sports, so someone started calling me "Bubbles". It stuck for quite awhile.
 Now fast forward quite a few years. One guy now calls me "Snapper". Everyone always asks me why he calls me that. Well my dad used to bowl with his dad and "Snapper" was my dads nickname while bowling. Everyone on his team had nicknames. But those names are for another day. So anyway he started calling me my dads nickname.
 From here on out we will be adding nicknames from our little part of the world, we would love to here names from other parts of the world. I think we will find that we and where we come from aren't much different. This should be fun. So until next time think of a name and let me know so we can add them.

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