Sunday, October 20, 2013

Stinky Kinky & Birdie..Best Friends

During the late 80's I began to work in one of the bars on Friday nights.  Stinky and his buddy/co-worker, Birdie, would come into this bar after their day of work. They were regulars so I didn't even have to ask what they wanted. While preparing their drinks, I began to notice the two had dug into their pockets, pulled out all the change,and began to toss it on the counter and I thought, "Well, this is new. What the hell are they up to?".  They would look up at me, mumble a few words to one another, and continue throwing coins.  I return with the drinks and began picking up the money when they startle me with "No, no, no!  We got bills to pay for our drinks, this is our bettin' money!"  Betting money? Okay, I'll bite. "So what are you guys betting on?", I ask.  Stinky starts first.  "Well, I say their pink and Birdie says their yellow.  If we win we get to keep the change but if not, you get it all!"  I noticed they had added a few ones to the pile so there had to be at least $20.00 on the bar.  "That's great guys but I can't play until I know what ya all are betting on."  Birdie replies, "We're bettin' on your underwear.  I say their yellow and he says their pink.  So are ya in or out?"  "I'm in....I ain't wearin' any!!" was my response and began to take the money from the counter.  But I ended up not taking it.  I couldn't.  I think I was the first one these two came across who actually played along.  They started to tell me the story of being at a grand opening of a bar in a neighboring town when they made the mistake of playing this game with the bartender who just happened to be the owner.  She didn't take this as lightly as I did.  She kicked them out on the spot.  Did it bother them?  Heck, no!  One of their proudest moments was being the first to get kicked out of the Round-Up.

1 comment:

  1. To funny Kris...Ya just have ta smile when you read this, and of course remember how much fun it was growing up in a small town.
